Salmon Fishing in the Yemen
Dear Dr. Jones, high level personI act on behalf of a client with access to very substantial funds who has indicated a desire to sponsor a project to introduce salmon and the sport of salmon fishing into the Yemen. lots of moneyI would like to seek a meeting with you to identify how this challenging project might be initiated and resourced. set upI might add that the Foreign and Commonwealth Office supports the project as a symbol of Anglo-Yemeni cooperation. In additionYours sincerely, Harriet Chetwode-Talbot, Ms.Why would I want to traipse across London to discuss that nonsense? walk or tramp aboutI am asking you with extreme prejudice to take a meeting with Harriet Chetwode-Talbot.偏见,侵害Yes, it's a bit of mouthful. Do call me Harriet.拗口The press officer to the Prime Minister, sir.新闻发布官They haven't pensioned you off yet, then?发养老金或抚恤金Listen, I got the heads-up from the FCO about this salmon fishing in the Yemen. Fancy it? warningWhat do you reckon? spoken english, means what do you think?Well, it's a bit of a long shot, to be honest.远投/射,风险大的赌注Well, we'll certainly bend every sinew to the job, Patricia.Don't you "working party" me, you short-arsed little pen-pusher. I did not say kick it into the long grass. I said do it!It's for the caddis fly report. Need something racy for the cover. Something to rev up the YouTube generation. speed upWe need a good news story from the Middle East, a big one. And we need it now. You've got an hour, get on with it. start to do it right now.We therefore regret that we are unable to help you any further in this matter.I've put duck liver pate in your sandwich. That's lovely. Righto. I'm off to bed. e.g. It looks as if their relations is off to a bad start.I'll maybe have another wee pass at the caddis fly paper. just scotish word. it means anything littler or short or small. like a short time. a wee late, a wee boy...I just don't wanna be an army barracks joke in the morning.军营笑话